Hakan Ürem Biography |
- Against all sort of pseudo-scientific methods and explanations.
- I'm 100 % Popperian in the sense of his contributions to Logic and the Philosophy of Science: "All our machines and tool are destroyed, and all our subjective learning, including our subjective knowledge of machines and tools, and how to use them. But libraries and our capacity to learn from them survive. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ? Clearly, after much suffering, our world may get going on again". "As before, machines and tool are destroyed, and our subjective learning, including our subjective knowledge of machines and tools, and how to use them. But this time, all libraries are destroyed also, so that our capacity to learn from books become useless". "For in the second case, there will be no re-emergence of our civilization for many millennia". There would be no theory of scientific knowledge.
- I am after the paradox of invalid proof and logical fallacy.
- Interested in the phenomenon of human knowledge.
- Interested in scientific explanation; the explanation of the known by the unknown (the explicans of the explicandum)
- Interested in systematized knowledge-systematized body of knowledge.
- I am not free to choose the consequences of my actions, but I am free to choose my actions.
- I wish to understand theory of rational behavior as a benchmark. Like most economist, I find it powerful tool of analysis of phenomena. It allows vicarious problem solving and when it works I get a lot of output from minimal input using a standard piece of intellectual machinery.
- Tüm deneyimlerimizin iki zıt kutupta oluştuğunu bilmekteyim- planlı determinist ve düzenli sistemler, ve düzensiz ve tahmin edilemez sistemlerin rastgele stokastik dünyası arasında gidip geldiğini çok iyi bilmekteyim.